It is strange, looking back on what I’ve written to see all that has been left out because of space restrictions. All the tiny things that make up our daily lives; dealing with smelly sleeping bags and laundry that never seems to dry; Looking out over Holbury and seeing the looming mass of the Esso refinery and the lines of uniformed school children walking home; the uncertainty that dogs out plans and the Harry Potter that dogs our sleep as we frantically try to finish the series before we leave England.

We washed out our tent today and aired out the sleeping bags. It will be very hard to get back up on those bike seats again after such a long rest. We really should be getting up and exercising but it is very hard with a comfortable house and food and warmth. I’m starting to get pretty concerned about France. Going to Spain would have solved a lot of our weather problems but France will be the same as here and every day gets a little grayer and colder so I know our tent will be very uncomfortable. Also we now have to bike preferably three or four times farther than we had planned and at this stage neither of us is really getting ready for it. But we told ourselves at the beginning that it was the journey, not the destination and one thing I am slowly starting to overcome is my compulsive desire to over plan.
We watched the original version of the King and I tonight and I am pleased to discover that we both disliked it intensely. At least we know we are on the same wavelengths.

Next Entry: Day 43. Blackfield
Previous Entry: Day 41. Marchwood
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