Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 41. Marchwood. Sept 16 2001

Samuel Middleditches 1st birthday. Every Orman was invited; Only a few couldn't make it, especially Brain and Sylvia, them being in Canada. It was nice to see all the Orman’s et at. in one cluster.

Paul picked us up in their, relatively, new car. He was absolutely thrilled to get away from their Mercedes; most people are the other way around.

Tessa found it hilarious that she was mistaken for Paul’s mother instead of his wife so that became one of the major jokes of the evening.

Maxine spent all day frantically trying to make sure everything was perfect while Nick looked a little swamped with all the company.

Colin was bouncing from toy to toy with the rest of the children while Hayley sat in a corner buried under virtually every toy that the kids were finished with.

Nicks sister and mom were there as well but I had little opportunity to speak with them.

The birthday party was an interesting opportunity to study party dynamics. After family pleasantries were exchanged the party seemed to fragment into two groups, those who had children to look after and those who didn’t, logically enough I suppose. We tried to hang out with those who did not have children.

Children seem to react with a strange synergy when together, so that two feels like four and four like sixteen. It was very amusing to watch the parents run after their children and to compare the different misbehaviors of the different age groups. The very young ones are best because their misbehaviors are limited to going where they should not and crying a lot, whereas the older ones can be a tad destructive.

I think Heather and I will keep any kids we have until they are weaned off their milk, then farm them out to nannies. Many older societies, Romans and Florentines come to mind, did so, and it seems about time to bring back the custom. I wish I knew if I was kidding or not.

All the Orman’s have booked times to be with us and in doing so have pushed back the departure date until sometime next week. Only hope we can deal with the cold.

Next Entry: Day 42. Holbury
Previous Entry: Day 40. Hurst Castle

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