Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 35. Marchwood. Sept 10 2001

Today was to be spent traveling all over the New Forest in the company of Nick and Maxine Middleditch. Unfortunately Nick was unable to get his car fully insure and so we spent the day at their home in Marchwood, a small town in the greater Southampton area.

Before we left Brian and Sylvia's we had the opportunity to meet the neighbors, who commented salaciously on the fact that we have not opened the curtains on our bedroom since we have arrived. The truth is that we couldn’t be bothered to open and close them every day, but now, knowing that all the neighbors are peering into our windows the curtains will most certainly remain closed.

Nick and Maxine house was small, a perfect little place.We got the opportunity to use the Internet and we sent out a mass email. We were lucky to be online at the same time as Edna, and we kind of chatted across thousands of kilometers. It was thrilling to speak to her but sent thrills of homesickness through us.

After Emily and Sam (the children) were sent off to bed and we had chatted awhile with the Middleditches we decided to go home. Nick took us on a little drive into the very quaint town of Eling with it's very small marina, tidal mill and many pubs.

It was lit in a soft yellow light that made it seem like a town from ancient history with flame for streetlights. In Eling we were delivered to an Aladdin’s cave of candy. A store that appealed to sweet teeth with a collection of old style candies and new style chocolate bars. Our purchases started off light but rapidly grew.
We spent the night watching movies and gorging ourselves on our new candy until we were sick and we did it all with curtains firmly closed.

Next Entry: Topless Women Ride Free
Previous Entry: Day 34. Lepe

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