To Everyone:
Well, just a brief (Yeah right) note to let everyone know what is going on here and just what part of the world your Brave Traveller and Fearful Voyager happen to be in.
In fact your overseas correspondents are in exactly the same place they have been for the last 14 or so days. The lesson here is; do not let us into your house lest we get comfortable. We are still enjoying the comforts of Brian (everytime I type that it comes out as Brain) and Sylvia Orman's house. We have plunked ourselves in front of a televison and I think we will never leave one again. Actually the truth is that for recently sedentary travellers we are moving about the New Forest area quite alot.
The day after we wrote last was a terrible day for everyone, the day of the New York and Washington attacks. We spent the entire day sitting at home eyes glued to the television set and worrying about everyone. Britain was as stunned as the rest of the world and is now watching the States' every move with baited breath.
That day also marked the beginning of the Fearful Voyager's new criminal career as Nick Middleditch forgot the keys to his theft proof Club (you know, the thing that goes over the steering wheel) and we got to hack it off with a saw. The ads are right by the way, they do take forever to cut through.
The day after was the day our plans began to change. We phoned the ferry lines to discuss prices. We discovered that not only do they not recognize the Hostelling International discount that we have, they had also never heard of Hostelling International. So, after much discussion with the ticket agents, some of it bordering on rude (we did little for Canada's reputation as quiet and meek that day) we found out that the ferry to Cherbourg (France) was 1 quarter the price. So now we are going to see some of France and none of Spain. We also spent a large portion of the day in Southampton and perused the shopping district. Since we had no money it was a mostly futile excercise but we did get to venture into the adult shops to see if they were similar to ours at home (not like we visit those...ever...really...oh forget it).
Since that day was the first month anniversary celebration of the BT and FV we had a nice dinner with Paul and Tessa Orman, along with their children Megan and Thomas (if you see Amy as she runs around in our backyard remind her that her parents want her to behave). We played Trivial Pursuit, only to discover that, after our bragging, we could answer none of the questions and played another game instead, Taboo. The Brave Traveller and Megan won but Tessa and I think they cheated! Paul also had a topographical map of Europe that showed us just how insane we are, French Alps here we come! The plan calls for a trip to Bordeaux now, but things change too quickly to keep track.
Next day we went to Old Sarum, a great earthen donut on the outside of Salisbury. Kerry Topp was convinced that we would get lost on the way but we found it alright, its the first left after the Electric Circus. Hard to believe that Sarum used to be the seat of royal power, especially since all the walls look like they have melted with age. The groundskeeper was very friendly and kept asking what Canadian winters were like. Since we both were a little tired don't be surprised (Canadians anyway) if you visit Sarum and are asked about Polar Bears in the streets. Sarum has a great view of Salisbury which I would have loved to seen but when they call it Misty England its not some sort of metaphor.
Day after was a trip to Rockbourne Roman villa with Tessa. The villa was great, with many artifacs and surving mosaic floors in the bath houses. They really like to bath those Romans. The museum was intresting too but I couldn't help noticing that the artists who paintined the baths used only naked women, I rather liked them but I kept getting pushed on by my companions. We also spent a tranquil and relaxing time in the village of Fordingbridge before being wisked through the New Forest and going for dinner at Paul and Tessa's again and...wait it was this night that we played Trivial Pursuits. Remember that, there will be a test.
Next day (Its getting dark and we have to bike home from Paul and Tessa's so you'll notice things moving along rather briskly) we went with the Topp family to Hurst Castle. Unless you like large concrete things that look like prisons and require a two mile walk along a gravel bank to get to I wouldn't recomend Hurst. It was built by Henry VII because he was a paranoid git...I mean because all of Europe wanted to kill him. Henry, along with disbanding the monasteries, must have killed off all the good architects and is responsible for the ugliest series of castles anywhere.
Day after, we went to Samuel Middleditches first birthday party where our plans really got messed up. Since we now have plans with every Orman and sundries that we bump into we are going to be in Holbur1y at least until Friday and since ferry prices might change over the weekends we could be here until Monday. If it wasn't for winter it wouldn't be a problem, but hey, we can freeze for friends. We had a really good time seeing most of the Orman (Sorry Topps and Middleditches its just easier to write one family name) and we got the opportunity to see children at almost every stage of development, the best form of birth control in the world. Its not that we don't love the kids but we also love being able to hand them back when they get icky!
Day after, which is yesterday, we did nothing. Hey give us a break!
Then today we returned to Paul and Tessa's where we were fed and fixed, at least the Brave Travellers bike was. We got to learn all the juicy gossip about Megan, Amy and Thomas and...well all the rest of the family.
From here we are going...we don't really know, we might be here when Brian and Sylvia return and we can argue about squatters rights. The plan is for France and soon, but we can't say anything for certain.
Until next time
Lots of Love from
BT and FV
P.S. No, no P.S. this time, sorry.
P.P.S. I really must apologize for my spelling and grammer by the way. I write to quickly to pay attention so it ends up atrocious. I balme Heather entirely.
P.P.P.S The title of this email comes from the muppet version of the Frog prince, watch it, its good.
Next Entry: Day 44. Marchwood
Previous Entry: Day 43. Blackfield
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