The only other stop was at the town of More where the road continued through in a U shape so that we were headed back the way we had come before we realized we were supposed to turn off.
Once we got here we phoned Colin and Hayley Orman and they invited us to stay at their place. Trouble was we couldn’t find it. Finally, after Heather falling off her bike and hurting her calf and me dropping her bike and hurting my calf we arrived.
Rolls Mills Farmhouse, a thatched cottage that has been much added on to in its two hundred year history, with the city just building up to it now. Scarcely had we pulled in when Colin whisked us away on a whirlwind tour of his house and gadgets, leaping from one project to another with the glee of an imp.
Riding in a car, actually a jeep, was a highly disconcerting experience. Fast, far faster that I feel I can handle anymore and dizzying as things rush by you pell mell. I will be absolutely ruined for society when we finally return. We passed some gypsies as we drove and their slow way of life seems more attractive to me at this stage.
We checked over our email today and I find that I am missing family and friends more than I thought I would.
I am composing a long letter to send back. I hope they find it entertaining. We also took this stop as an opportunity to to phone home. Got through to my dad on the second try.
Tomorrow promises to be busy. I only hope we rest on this rest stop.

Next Entry: Gravity Works. Letter Home
Previous Entry: Day 23. Frome
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