A day for goodbyes. Today we said goodbye to the last remnant of our families. It was hard to part with my parents as they left for the south and eventually home. Never before have I been so completely cut off from familial support. Dad was stoic with a curt goodbye and a quick run to the car. Mom lingered longer. I will miss them, a lot.
Audrey and Den have, in the meantime, assumed a role as temporary parents, making sure we know correct routes that, we eat properly etc. Audrey has even sown flags to our panniers.
I saw Caer Caradoc today. I had envisioned it as a small fort atop a little rise off east of Church Stretton. Instead it is a great ring atop a rise more mountain than hill. It looks like a green crown atop a mighty rampart and except for the straightness of the ring walls would seem to be a natural feature of the landscape.
I am tired tonight and apprehensive about tomorrow. How will we fare when testing our mettle against the pavement? We will grow from the experience or merely see it as another trip? Will we last or fold? So many questions that can only be answered by testing. At least we have packed and are ready to begin. The waiting becomes unbearable. What will tomorrow hold? I can hardly wait to see.
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