Monday, August 08, 2011

Day 2 August 8 2001

Day 2 at the Parkgate Farmhouse has come and gone in a flurry of activity. The day commenced with a bracing round of yard work. How different it is to wheel a barrow in your own interest than that of someone else. Everyone chipped in, picking up a rake, a shovel, or labouring in the kitchen.

We traveled to Church Stretton and to Craven Arms and to Ludlow to finish up wedding plans, finalize trivial last detail and put a final polish on things while Heather and Audrey toured the Hill family together. As I traveled I felt renewed freshness and eagerness to be in England and saw the spirit that brings me back. I saw also the nausea that accompanies any travel on the tortured roads of Shrewsbury as they writhe across the landscape.
One source of great intrigue is the dog here at Parkgate. Jake with the one blue eye. Does the grass that he tears and lays almost plaintively before the still lawnmower have significance or are the religious overtones merely in my head?

Next Entry: Day 3
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